2026 Prep ‘Information and Timeline’

Existing and prospective families are welcome to make contact with the school about enrolling their child.

Enrolments – Now Open

Interested in Enroling at  St Mary MacKillop?

Please click on the link below to complete the online applcation form:

  • Please create an account and then you can complete the application form
  • There is a $50 application fee which will have to be paid when applying. Please attach the receipt when requested.

St Mary MacKillop Online Application

If you have any questions please email Kellie Doherty at:


School Enrolment Information can be found by clicking this link:  Prep Timeline

Our School

St Mary MacKillop PS is one  of two schools serving our local Catholic parish of St. Mary of the Assumption. As a Catholic school we are placed at the ‘heart of the Church’.  We recognise Christ as the centre of our life; calling us to be life-giving by the way we live the Gospel in our time.  We strive to empower our community to be people of hope for our world.

As a Catholic school, Saint Mary MacKillop Primary School is distinctive in so far as it provides an environment imbued with Christian values, where Religious Education programs lead children to be knowledgeable about their faith, where academic achievement is promoted and participation in the arts, sports and the community are strongly encouraged.

A foundational principle which guides all that happens at Saint Mary MacKillop Primary School. is the promotion of the wellbeing of our young people and all members of our school community.  The development of social capital motivates us as we engage with each other at all levels.

We are a school setting the highest standards, always striving towards being a community of learning excellence and of personal and communal wellbeing.

Our teachers are a positive and happy team. They are enthusiastic and committed to meeting the individual needs of each child, in a supportive environment, encouraging them to develop a love of learning.

By law, your child must have an immunisation status certificate to enrol in primary school

Information on Immunisation can be found here.

Please watch this site as updated information will be posted on a regular basis.

Further Information on enrolments is available from our School Registrar:

Mrs Kellie Doherty

Phone: 9367 6199
Email: kdoherty@mmkeilordowns.catholic.edu.au